Emmeline and Vivian are 6 months old today. I am not sure how this happened so fast but here we are!
They are still very happy and contented babies. Ben and I still look at each other and wonder how we ever got so lucky - I think we will continue to do this forever.
I started introducing solids in the last week and so far both girls are big fans of avocado. We will give sweet potato a try tonight. They will eat a bit of rice cereal but much prefer it as a bit of a filler with avocado so I will continue to do this with other foods I introduce.
They still sleep very well at night and are slowly having longer naps during the day. They are both very active now with lots of movement and rolling over.
Seeing them first thing in the morning is still our favourite time of day. They are so excited to see us with huge smile and lots of arm waving and leg kicking - it really is just the best way to start the day! Mind you, when they have gone to sleep at night is pretty bloody good too ;)
We have been getting out lots each weekend with lots of great walks. We enjoyed a beautiful winters day in Perth last Saturday as it was 25 degrees so we had a fantastic walk along the beach. I ordered the girls some baby sunglasses and we sure get plenty of comments when they wear them. I also ordered some swimming nappies as Ben is itching to get them in the pool when the weather heats up in a couple of months.
The girls love their Fisher Price jumping seat and Baby Einstein music seat as they really enjoy sitting upright now. The jumping seat is their favourite and they can bounce and play in for ages.
We have a couple of baby slings that are great when we just go out for a short time. The fact they are hands free make it so easy to get around and the girls seem to enjoy being in them especially since they now face forward.
We have been going out once a week to dinner for the last few weeks which had been brilliant. It's so nice to get dressed up and get out the house to catch up with friends and not have to worry about anything more that what to drink with dinner!! Our babysitter is really lovely and we use her each time we go out. Much better having the same person as she gets to know our girls and more importantly they get to know her.
Well that's the 6 month mark - before we know it we will be celebrating a couple of 1st birthdays (time please slow down as I cry every time I have to give away their now too small clothes!!)
Hope you enjoy the pics - till next time xxxx
Dad and his girls |
Thank you Auntie Bec for our outfits - we love them xx (Taken back in June) |
We love our avocado |
Double the bumbo fun |
Emmeline - a wannabe snow bunny |
Nice shot Mum - Vivian looking very Dr Seuss |
Two very cool cats!! |
Couch potatoes |
Yet another great winter day |
The fog that rolled in a few weeks ago while we were doing the 7am feed |
Having fun out the back yard with Kenny |
Did you say something Mum? |
Vivian rocking the hat! |
Taken a couple of months ago for their cousins Christening |